Creating Camera Mounter with 3D Printer


Makers & 3D Printer

Many members of Kadinche had read Chris Anderson’s book titled “Makers: The New Industrial Revolution“. The book is saying that our world will be changed by the makers with 3D printers and other 3D objects creating devices.

Over the past ten years, the internet has democratised publishing, broadcasting and communications, leading to a massive increase in the range of participation in everything digital – the world of bits. Now the same is happening to manufacturing – the world of things. Chris Anderson, bestselling author of “The Long Tail”, explains how this is happening: how such technologies as 3D printing and electronics assembly are becoming available to everybody, and how people are building successful businesses as a result. Whereas once every aspiring entrepreneur needed the support of a major manufacturer, now anybody with a smart idea and a little expertise can make their ideas a reality. The next industrial revolution is on its way.

Yes we too are quiet exciting about this makers movement. And actually our CTO purchased one 3D printer, Makerbot’s Replicator2.

3D Printer: Makerbot Replicator2

You can feel the future by seeing how the 3D printer works. This printer’s print technology is fused filament fabrication and it creates plastic object with single color. There is so many better and more expensive 3D printing devices in the world but this printer is good enough for us to create some prototype objects. For most of palm-size objects, it takes about an hour to print it out.

Creating Camera Mounter by 3D Printer

So what should we create first by using this future machine? Because we are the company currently working on panorama photo contents, our CTO created the camera mounter for small DSLR Sony NEX-5. This camera mounter help us going for casual photo shooting with its lightness. To design this 3D shape, he used free CAD software called OpenSCAD.

Business in 3D Printer Era

We actually shoot panorama photos and succeeded taking stable photos with this self-made camera mounter. You wanna purchase one for you? Please contact us from Contact Page so that we can discuss about price and shipment!

It’s so interesting to think about the business model using 3D objects. It’s good idea to create and sell niche objects to realize the long tail marketing of real objects. And it’s also good idea to create web platform on which users can share their 3D models. Let’s enjoy this self made 3D objects era!

soko aoki


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