Exploring space-time and human expansion techniques.
Contributing to human evolution,
An engineering company.
Mission: Exploring space-time and human expansion technology to contribute to human evolution
Vision: Building an ideal factory that provides humanity with new tools that are free, open, and enjoyable
The evolution of humans was the evolution of technology itself. Fire can now be used, farming is now possible, and it is now possible to move far by car. New tools can be created based on new technology, things that were impossible can be done, and humanity evolves. We will develop new tools (tools) using information technology and video technology to contribute to human evolution. In particular, in the 2020s, we will research and develop space-time and human expansion technologies representing virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR), and implement them in society.
In order to realize the ideals of serious engineers and create tools, we aim to be an autonomous, distributed, and cooperative team, and build an ideal factory that is independent, free, and cheerful. It will be a team that emphasizes diversity so that we can notice more of the world's problems and solve more problems. We are not looking for naughty expansion, but we always aim to strengthen our capabilities and systems so that we can create more meaningful tools.
The company name “Kadinche” means “thank you” in Dzongkha (the language of the Kingdom of Bhutan). The bird used in the logo is a “raven,” and it appears in mythology as the “creator” or “trickster: Trickster” among the indigenous peoples of the North American continent. While appreciating being kept alive, we decided on the company name and logo with the desire to work on things that are slightly different and that are mischievous but eventually lead in a good direction.
カディンチェ株式会社Kadinche Corporation
Executive Director Kazutaka Uchida
Software contract development
Website production
Policy & Certification

After graduating from the Keio University Faculty of Environmental Information Studies, he completed his master's program at the Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance. After that, he joined Sony Corporation (assigned to the Corporate R&D A3 Research Institute). After leaving Sony Corporation, he entered the doctoral program at Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance. After that, they co-founded Kadinche Co., Ltd. Received a doctorate (policy/media) from Keio University in 2009.

After graduating from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Control Systems Engineering, corporate training (1 year) at Renault, France. After that, he completed his master's program in mechanical control systems at the Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School of Science and Engineering. Joined Sony Corporation (assigned to the Corporate R&D A3 Research Institute). After leaving Sony Corporation, he co-founded Kadinche Co., Ltd. Untested IPA “Super Creator” certification. Received a doctorate (engineering) from Tokyo Institute of Technology in 2019.